Thursday 19 April 2012

Who am I?

I am a representative of the majority of the population of my country - The Working Class or the
Middle class.That is how the society terms it.
After a generation was promoted to the Upper Middle Class from the Lower Middle Class.
I learned the term Upper Middle class during my 9th class when a lesson about Bill Gates was taught
in my matriculation syllabus's English Text.
The Upper Middle class meant - people who are not so wealthy but could afford to meet their requirements.
Before I got my job as an IT/Software engineer my family belonged to Lower Middle class because we
could not afford to pay even the tuition fees incurred.
But sooner or later we managed to loan and pay the tuition fee but a little more than the other candidates of the same class.
This was because the institution/educational organization as we can call them today [all of them which I completed until my graduation] levied a fine on late payment of fee.
So as a sum total I paid more fees on the same institution where much richer students also studied.
I do not understand but why still we belong to the "middle class".
I am also from a Minority community in India. The most attacked community worldwide but the most Peace loving community.

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