Thursday, 19 April 2012


An idiot's comment on population growth in India - "Our main issue now is to reduce population at any cost, but the real fact that some of the religions are not adhering to the rules and regulations of family planning:::We two we have two policy shold be followed strictly and that is not followed by them:::To whom we should say all this::"

Recently read that in China people have started online community to book brides and grooms for their newborns as there are shortage of younger generation due to this manmade "population growth restriction".

It is basic Human rights these idiots are trying to interfere.All these bullshit people should first concentrate on "how many new born females are getting killed each day/hour in India".
Then about how many woman are getting killed each day. Then about all those innocent people who are getting killed.

There is no things to worry in the present so that the man is worried about the "population growth".
Imagine if US stops allowing Indians to enter their country for same reason. I mean stop. Not reduce.
We can't imagine it??

Then why the hell are you worried about allowing new borns sent by God to this world??
This world is common to all human who has lived here,living here and yet to arrive here.
The main reason for this world to grow selfish and sadist is because they do not have basic family values.
They don't learn any value in family these days . Because these days there is no real families.
There is a husband - who works earns and spends for himself and kids, there is a wife who works earns and spends for self and
kids, and there are kids who utilize the two way monetary benefits of mother and father.
Grandparents - sitting on net (like you) and worrying about population growth.
Kith and kins all face-booking,liking,poking and meeting on Skype.

Value???Where the hell is value in a family except for the Bills.

Olden days people lived in a completed society called families before placing them into this bigger society called outer world.
Inter personal skills and communications were much better in olden days because a child learns effective communication and better survival
tactics from within the family first.

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